Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wolf Christmas

We spent New Year's Eve/Day with my family - it doesn't happen very often that we are all together, so was a special time for everyone!

Kyra enjoying her new baby who "talks".

Kyra cooking everyone a New Year's Day Meal with her new pots/pans.
Carley and Uncle Brandon checking out a gift. (It was a sled).

Little miss "technology girl".

Gavin & Lacy checking out a new set of tractos - if only every farmer were as lucky as Gavin (getting new tractors every birthday and Christmas).

The gift of Gavin.

I could not NOT post this picture - you know your cool when you are confident enough to let someone take a picture of you with goggles like this. :-)

Grandpa & Gavin playing with the new grain cart - a favorite gift!

The entire family. Look everyones eyes are open and focused on the camera! This happened three times in a row - I still can't believe it.

Lacy & Carley opening a gift with Bryon and Jacque.

Uncle Brandon and Gavin - another farm implement. (Sorry Stacy, somehow you dodged all the pictures - whether that was planned or not, not sure??? - we will get you next time).

Three amigos.

This thing is as big as he is. Notice it's dark outside now. Yup, we spent a whole day opening gifts - much to Grandpa's delight! :-)

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