Monday, November 24, 2008

Settling Into Life With Ruby

Well, we have now had Ruby for about 2 weeks and we are finally starting to settle into life with a dog and three kids - believe me, it's taken some getting use to. Gavin isn't quite as on top of the feeding and letting her out as he was the first week, but he still does pretty good and he just loves that dog. He is always hugging her. Kyra loves to be the mother of Ruby - feeding her, watering her, brushing her hair (with the girls' brushes not the dogs brush), washing her face - anything that she might try to do with Carley, she does with Ruby. Carley had a miserable first week with Ruby but somewhere along the way the came to an understanding and she now tolerates Ruby and once in a while will even go up to her and pet her and talk to her. Jed continues to think Ruby is a perfect dog (all she does when he is home is sleep). I know the truth - dogs make more mess, more laundry, more craziness and in general more work for Mom! But she is cute and the kids enjoy having a pet so what can I say?


Laurel said...

I especially enjoy the pictures of the kids with the dog in the kennel. I've never thought of going that route!! Is it easier than stuffing Jed behind the couch?

Anonymous said...

I like the pictures in the kennel too. we have some pictures of sain and i in the kennel with scooby, although scooby's kennel is smaller and we are bigger than your kids. :)

Anonymous said...

sean* haha

Troy said...

At first when you were mentioning the part about more mess, more laundry, more work....and just lays around sleeping you were taking about Jed.