Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Big Eyes

Every Monday night after Kyra's dance class I tell her how good she did and how fun it was to watch her and then I remind her one more time that she needs to watch the teacher and what dance moves she is doing instead of watching the little girls (if she watches the little girls then she is a move behind where she should be). Anyway, Monday night Grandma took Kyra to her dance class. On the way home they had a conversation that went something like this:

Grandma: "Kyra, when you are dancing you should watch the teacher instead of the other little girls." (Guess I am more like my mother than I thought!) :-)
Kyra: "But Grandma, my eyes aren't big enough to watch the little girls and the teacher at the same time."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes...

We have had a couple of conversations in our house the last two days that have had me in tears because I have been laughing so hard. Thought I would share:

Story #1
Yesterday Kyra, Reagan and I were getting ready to go wedding dress shopping with Lacy. Kyra finished her bath and was eating lunch with Carley and I was in the bathroom drying my hair.

Carley: "Mom, Kyra stinks."
Me: "Kyra doesn't stink, she just got a bath."
Kyra: "No Mom, I just farted, I stink."

Story #2
This morning we were getting ready for church and for whatever reason Gavin said he was having a baby (he likes to pretend a lot). So, here is how this story went.

Gavin: "Mom, I am having a baby." (he says this with a balloon coming out of the back of his underwear)???
Me: "Great, but you know that guys can't actually deliver a baby, right?"
Gavin: "I know, but they help make the babies."

We have not had THESE conversations yet so not sure where he is getting this from but hey, we will let his father explain things to him.

Story #3
Another one this morning. Unfortunately I did not get to hear/see this one since I was out of church with Reagan but then again maybe it's a good thing, if I were in church and witnessed this then I would have had leave church for MYSELF not for Reagan.

Jed was standing for one of the prayers during church and Kyra was laying down on the pew behind him (he had been trying to get her to quit doing this but was not winning that battle - so she was laying on the pew behind him). Kyra stuck her hand between his legs and grabbed on and asked, "Daddy does that tickle?" Jed says that it was the first time he has ever been 6 feet tall in church and he was kneeling. Oh my gosh, it happened hours ago and I am still crying I am laughing so hard.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Gavin making spider cupcakes!
The girls making spider cupcakes and eating some along the way!

Gavin doesn't really look like he likes spider cupcakes!?

Gavin ready to go to school and have his Harvest Party - all 30 kids in both kindergarten classes dressed up as scarecrows and had a morning full of games and treats. I was lucky enough to be able to go with him and help out for the day!

Gavin with his teacher, Mrs. Wolfe, who also dressed up as a scarecrow!

Uncle Britton helping Gavin carve his pumpkin.

Lacy and Britton scooping out all of the seeds.

We were all a little surprised Gavin was willing to help out with the "yucky" part of the job.

Impatiently waiting for Lacy to finish the carving part of it.
Kyra scooping her pumpkin out.
And then she had Uncle Britton take over the messy job.
...And Carley and Daddy working on hers.
Almost done.
Kyra with her princess/rose pumpkin.
Gavin with his Incredible Hulk pumpkin.
And the finished product.
Carley chose to decorate hers with Mr. Potato Head pieces instead of carving. She was pretty proud.
Giving kisses to her Mr. Pumpkin Head.
Carley, Lacy, Kim (Lacy's Mom), Kyra and Gavin posing with the yummy Halloween cake that Lacy and Kim made! They made the Halloween cake and a birthday cake for Jacque's birthday!

Puppy Carley.Lady Bug Kyra.
Caterpillar Gavin.

Out trick-or-treating.

It was a fairly nice night for October 31st but still too cold for the pea in a pod - aka Reagan. She stayed home with Grandpa but we had to dress her up for a little bit so everyone could see how cute she was!