Grandma and Grandpa celebrated their anniversary on Friday and asked us to go to Wabasha and Lacy City, MN to help them celebrate for the weekend. The kids left Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa and went to a toy store in Kellogg. This was not any ordinary toy store, it was a toy store that you could play in and eat in and all kinds of stuff! One of the highlights for Kyra for the weekend was riding on the hard carved wooden carousel that they had at the toy store. Some how each kid came away with a bag full of toys compliments of Grandma and Grandpa. Jed and I met up with the gang at the hotel where we were swimming like fish. On Sunday we headed to the National Eagle Center where we learned all abot Eagles and even got to take pictures with them. On the 20 minute drive from Lacy City to Wabasha we saw many eagles flying around the open river water. We even stopped at one look out point and watched them for a while. We did see a few wild ones at the National Eagle Center as well as 3 that they have at the Center that were rescued and can no longer live in the wild. And because it is National Eagle Month they had a special show for us. The Cincinnati Zoo brought a bird show to MN. We walked a couple of blocks from the Eagle Center to an auditorium and enjoyed an hour long show with parrots, pengiuns, eagles and many other birds that you don't get to see every day. Back at the Eagle Center we enjoyed a class learning all about eagles and we got to watch one eat its Sunday meal - a white rat. The kids and Grandma sat right in front and Reagan was definately trying to find a way out when the eagle got a little nervous and was flapping it's 7 foot wing span over top of the crowd. The other kids loved it. On the way home we followed the river for a while and did spot some more wild eagles at a distance and one right over our heads sitting on a branch out over the road but all 4 kids were sound asleep for the two hour drive home! It was a great weekend!!!
3 years ago