Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Stink of It Is....

Rain Coming...
Freshly mowed lawn...
Clean baby...
Garlic Bread...
Good Strawberries...
Crisp Clear Day...
Camp Fire...

These are a few of the things that I LOVE the smell of. Something that I DO NOT love the smell of? A skunk's rank odor permeating MY house. AT 3:00am last night I started dreaming about a skunk, I soon woke up to find out that not only was I dreaming about a skunk but I was truly smelling a skunk. Worst smell, bar none, that I have ever had the priviledge of smelling. Not only did it wake me up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night but it proceeded to keep me awake for the next 2+ hours as I seriously tried not to throw up - YES, it was that strong of a smell. I got up and shut all the windows and crawled back into bed. Then proceeded to get back out of bed, open all the windows, turn on all the fans full speed, jump back in bed, pull the covers over my head and try to go back to sleep. Two hours later, I must have finally accomplished that task only to have Carley and Kyra wake me up at as half an hour later at 5:40 - and they were up for the day. :-( Luckily I got Reagan back to sleep after the girls decided to have a chat fest in their room while she tried to sleep. So, Jed put it best this morning: "There's nothing like a good nights sleep...that was NOTHING like a good nights sleep." And the stink of it is...IT STILL SMELLS LIKE SKUNK SIX HOURS LATER!

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