Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Having Fun

Reagan doing her baby's hair.

 Reagan is 100% all about her baby.  It goes EVERYWHERE with us and because it is such an active baby it needs to be "stolen" at least once a week for a good washing.  The other day I had Declan here (my brother Bryon and Jacque's new little one) and I was literally fighting with Reagan so that I could use the bouncy seat for Declan instead of her baby.
 And then later in the day she ended up falling asleep in it.
 Carley hanging out at the construction site.
 Kyra thought these were pretty big nails.  I would have to agree!
Holding baby Declan.  She actually held him long enough and was still enough that she put him right to sleep.
 Carley doesn't hold him for near the length of time that Kyra can but she enjoys her couple of minutes of snuggle time.
 No fear - she would walk right off the ledge if we let her.
Trying to walk in Mommy's shoes!
 Lost the battle one afternoon and fell asleep on the chair.  Love the pink cheeks.
 Puzzle time.
 Carley was using stickers to make funny faces.  :-)
 Painting our toes and nails.

Yeah, they look nothing alike?! :-)

Checking out the building action in the back yard.

Gavin continues to get more and more creative with his Lego nuildin - he made this eagle without any instructions - designed and built on his own.

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