Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sibling Love

This post is mostly for myself. So, on those days when I am at my wits end and the kids will not stop fighting, hitting, pushing, yelling at each other, I can come to our blog and pull up this entry and see that I only have to wait until next Christmas and they will once again all get along again (if only for a day). :-) The annual pose in front of the Christmas Tree (quickly before you spill something on your dress up clothes).
Trying our their new sled from Uncle Brandon and Aunt Stacy.

I am not sure what it is about laundry baskets, but they CANNOT be empty in our house. On the rare occassion that I actually get all the laundry sorted, folded and put away so there is an empty basket - the kids quickly remedy that.

Reading a Christmas story with Grandma.

Who needs gifts when you can just use the boxes they came in to make your very own "train cars". As you can see Gavin and Carley are tooting their horns (even though Carley looks like she is in pain).

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