Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reagan is 2!!!

Two years ago today at 8:18am Reagan Elizabeth was born.
She weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. and was 20 inches long.

Reagan is two years old today!!!

Where does the time go?!  I thought I would share some words/phrases that help describe our baby so that you can get an idea of who she is and what she likes/doesn’t like.

·         She is so funny
·         She likes to use her loud voice to get our attention
·         She is very determined
·         She still loves to cuddle
·         She loves her blanky and no other will do
·         She plays with her baby doll almost every waking minute of the day
·         She does not require as much sleep as the rest of her family does
·         She does not like to have her picture taken professionally
·         She does not like big, loud machinery (which we have a lot of at our house right now)
·         She is sleeping in a toddler bed and we are officially crib free in our house (after 8 years)
·         She loves being outside
·         She is a girl – loves picking out her own clothes, loves to play with shoes and likes to have her nails done
·         She is finally growing hair and she has curls – Mommy LOVES this
·         She looks just like Carley did at this age
·         She is petite, especially when next to her cousin Jason
·         She loves to torment our cat
·         She likes to get up no less than 5 times a night before she finally gives in to sleep
·         She does not typically take a nap anymore
·         She loves the grocery store and knows just where they hide their suckers
·         She is independent – wants to buckle her own carseat, walk wherever she goes, get dressed/undressed by herself
·         She loves buckles of any kind
·         She is enjoying reading more now and will actually sit through a story, but you better read fast because she is in charge of turning the pages and she is a quick one!
·         She needs to sit touching you at the supper table
·         She loves pizza and yogurt and cottage cheese but her favorite food is ice cream, hands down
·         She does not talk much, she doesn’t have to, her brother and sisters do the talking for her, but if they are all gone, she has NO problem chatting a mile a minute
·         She loves to spot cows while we are in the car and say “Moooooooooooooooo” which lasts for about 30 seconds, that’s a long moo
·         She does not like being dirty in  any way shape or form
·         If she doesn’t like the shoes you pick for her there is no getting her to wear them, might as well save yourself the time and effort and just pick out a pair she likes
·         She is a Daddy’s girl when Daddy gets up with her in the morning, otherwise she is a Momma’s girl the whole way

1 comment:

Melissa Pope said...

She is SO stinkin' CUTE!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday Reagan!