Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 2 of the House Build

We have basement walls!  I know, it's the little things in life.  :-)
Last week the builders spent two days putting forms up, about 2 hours pouring cement (the cement trucks were lined up on the road just waiting their turn to unload - unfortunately the girls all had dr. appts. so I did not get to see this but Jacque and Declan came and watched and Bryon timed it when they built their house and every 10 minutes a new truck would unload.  Now that's quick work!) a half day of drying, and a day of taking forms down.  This morning we were greeted with a load of lumber that game.  The guys are busy in 100+ degree heat index (and supposed to be even warmer tomorrow) framing out the basemnt today.  We hope by the end of the week that we will have a completely famed house.  But of course that all depends on the weather and not only rain but also now the heat.  The guys have already planned to start early tomorrow morning to get a jump on the hot/humid weather, but they plan to be done by about lunch time so that they don't have to endure the heat all afternoon - can't blame then for that!

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